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Outlook Front Page



Outlook August/ September 2024

Pastoral Care Report

Val Chivers

We are creeping through summer into autumn with days gradually getting shorter. We look forward to harvest, although by the time this goes to print some of the harvest will already have begun. As I walk, I have been watching the colours change from green to golden wheat.

A verse for this time:-

Come, ye thankful people, come,
raise the song of harvest home;
all is safely gathered in,
ere the winter storms begin.
God our maker doth provide
for our wants to be supplied;
come to God's own temple, come,
raise the song of harvest home.

We ask God’s blessing on those in our own fellowship who have been unwell recently or who are facing surgery, thinking especially of Margaret Coney, Liz Turner, Tony Walsh and Malcolm Mallett. It is good to have Tony back with us. We thank the Lord that Sue is almost back to normal after her knee operation and that Marion Woodbridge, Dorothy Browne and Les Bateman have healed after their eye operations. Harry Eastham has also had a cataract operation recently and was amazed at the difference it made to his vision.

We also pray for Maralyn Clark and Margaret Piggott after their recent falls. Margaret is being treated in hospital. Audrey Morris, in Foxholes is still not well and neither is Pam’s sister Brenda.


Now for some good news! Parmar and his wife have recently celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. Many congratulations to them. Kath Mellot is celebrating a significant birthday on August 18th when she will be 100. Big congratulations to her and we hope that she will enjoy her special day. Alison Dogrell also celebrates a significant birthday on September 17th. Congratulations to her too, enjoy your birthday Alison. To anyone else celebrating a birthday in August and September, we hope you have an enjoyable day.

We think of our link missionaries Alan and Megan Baker as they carry on their work in Nepal. At this harvest time we remember all the farmers working hard to ensure that the crops are harvested, enabling us to have food to eat.

Exam scroll

We pray for children. Firstly for those receiving their GCSE and A level exam results in August. We also pray for those starting pre- school for the first time, those going up to primary or junior schools and those transitioning to secondary school, that they will be given the confidence and God's love at this time.

Val Chivers, Pastoral Care Organiser.


Letters Letters

It was fascinating to see the cover photograph of Woodbridge Quay Church. (Outlook June/ July)

I lived in Brook Street, within yards of that church, in the 50's/60's. It was where I met and married Margaret who later had a strong affinity with THS and the Playschool.

Wonderful memories so thank-you.
Kind regards
Brian Reeve


Summer sunshine

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