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Outlook Front Page



Outlook October/ November 2024

Pastoral Care Report

Val Chivers

I sit writing this with beautiful autumn sunshine pouring through the window, a sign of an "Indian Summer". Let's hope it will last for a little while longer, although it is getting darker in the evenings and on Sunday October 27th, British Summertime ends and our clocks go back an hour.

O God, you give the winter's cold,
as well as summer's joyous rays,
you warmly in your love enfold,
and keep us through life's wintry days.
Samuel Longfellow

May the love of God be with people in our fellowship who are going through difficult times:-

We remember Kath Mellot in Foxholes who has recently celebrated her 100th birthday (see back page of Outlook). After our Wednesday service Pam, Gill, Sue, Marion, Jane and myself sat and enjoyed an ice cream with her. It was a really happy time.

We think of those awaiting hospital and doctor’s appointments 11 (editor’s note - this includes Val herself) and surgery. We continue to pray for our NHS and thank God for the work that they do.

We remember the work of Phase as they have the Year 6 workshops at present, beginning to prepare the students for the move to secondary school. We pray for all those who will struggle to keep warm this winter due to the cut in winter fuel allowance.

A big thank you to the flower team who helped to make the church look so beautiful for harvest. To anyone who has a birthday in October or November we wish you a very happy one, particularly Mary Brown who celebrates her 95th birthday in November.

Our annual memorial service to remember those who have passed away will be held on Sunday 3rd November at 4pm. There will be refreshments served afterwards in the Bunyan Room

Let’s remember each other in our prayers

Val Chivers, Pastoral Care Organiser.


Letters Letters

Dear Friends,
First I must apologise for missing the last Outlook.

But now a very big and heartfelt thanks to all of you for the beautiful flowers delivered by Jane on my birthday. Thank you too for all who came to my "Open House". It really made the day very special. We made the celebrations last longer with cake on Sunday!

With my love and thanks

Just to say a big thank you for your cards and flowers and best wishes for my 80th birthday. It was lovely to share it with my family and the church family. I felt so much love and happiness.

Thank you once again.

Thank you Jane and all the people who prepared the harvest in the church and for the lunch, it was loverly.

Marion W

P.S. The garden looks pretty good too!
Editor - I think we would all agree with Marion - many thanks to everyone involved.

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