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Outlook Front Page



Outlook December 2024/ January 2025

Pastoral Care Report

Val Chivers

As we approach the season of advent into Christmas and then the start of 2025 let us enjoy the Christmas lights as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in that lowly stable in Bethlehem.

May the love of the Lord Jesus shine on our church fellowship, especially those who are finding life a challenge and difficult. Maralyn Clarke is now confined to bed and we think of her and her family as they support her. Please in particular remember Oliver in your prayers as he has been struggling coming to terms with this. Mary and Michael Taylor and Aud and Harry Eastham are not finding life easy. Marion Cutt's husband, Brian has also been unwell recently.

Lilian Dixon is on the mend after breaking her ankle and is now able to move around more easily. Anne Moody, too is in a lot of discomfort and is still waiting for a new knee! A big thank you Anne for all the hard work you do putting Outlook together.

A few of us went to Autumn Vale care home to celebrate Mary Brown's 95th birthday with her, (as shown on next page). The home put on a lovely spread, including cake and candles. She has recently returned from a stay in hospital.

We pray for God's comfort and His loving arms to surround those who will experience their first Christmas without a loved one, particularly:-

We think of Kath Melot and Audrey Morris in Foxholes. It is good that Audrey, who has been very poorly is now feeling much better.

We pray for the Herts Homeless Charity as they support those who won't have a home this Christmas and continue to pray for Phase as they run the Christmas workshops with Year 6 children.

To anyone who has a birthday in December or January, we wish you a very happy day. Congratulations to Anna and Adrian Lomas on their Silver Wedding Anniversary and thank you for the cake.

Wishing you every blessing at Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Val Chivers, Pastoral Care Organiser.


Letters Letters

Dear Friends,

I really feel I want to thank you for the many cards and kind thoughts expressed or written during the last couple of months. Thank you too for the flowers received.

I have been very conscious of your prayers for me in what could have been a very difficult time, but were answered giving some peace in the midst of sorrow.
Thank you again

God bless you

We have been very lucky and received 2 lots of flowers over the recent months. Can we thank Sue and Marion and Val and Sue for them. It was really appreciated.

Aud and Harry Eastham

Riding for the disabled

Riding for the Disabled

Thank you for your prayers for the Riding for the Disabled Group. You are all invited to:-

Model Farm Shillington SG5 3NA
on Monday December 16th
10-12 noon to see our ponies Jay, Rupert and Mabel
For our Christmas Riding morning
and to enjoy some light refreshments
Wear warm clothes!


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