to this web site which has information about our church here in Hitchin.
Our address is: Upper Tilehouse Street, HITCHIN, SG5 2EE.
The office telephone number is 01462 456765. Our Administrator is in the Church Office to answer your calls between 09:30 and 12:30 from Tuesday to Friday.
At other times you can leave a message on our answering machine and we can call you back.
Or, you can e-mail us at:
How to find us? Look at our Map Page.
Sunday morning services take place at 10:30 in Church. The service normally lasts about one hour.
More information on our meetings can be found on the Meetings page
We stream the Sunday morning service live to YouTube - see instructions below.
Refreshments will be served on the second and fourth Sunday morning each month.
A reflective style communion service is held in the Church on Sunday afternoons at 16:30, generally on the third Sunday of the month. See the Diary Page to check.
We have been using the Zoom conferencing service to conduct interactive prayer. This is now on Wednesday evenings at 19:00. The link can be found on the
Conference Page. [Click or tap] - read the instructions about the Zoom App or add-on.
At special times, such as Easter and Advent, there may be other prayer meetings. Details may be on the Diary Page
What: Sunday morning services held in Church will be broadcast on the Church's YouTube channel, whenever possible.
We'll also stream special services, such as funerals and seasonal events like the carol service.
When: The morning service starts at 10:30, but the live broadcast will start at about 10:25 to allow users time to connect. Similarly, special services broadcasts will start five minutes earlier than advertised.
How: To watch the service click on this link: YouTube Live Link
You should then join the broadcast straight away (provided the broadcast has started).
If it does not play immediately, click on the triangular 'Play' button.
which will appear in the centre of the screen.
The recording will appear on the Church's YouTube channel the following day and will remain available for at least two weeks.
Subscribe to the Church's Channel to get reminders about the live services and to have earlier access to the recording.
If you want to know how we set it all up, read Sam's blog "Church Broadcast on a shoestring"
Webmaster: Sam Hallas
© 2000-2025 Tilehouse Street Baptist Church
Upper Tilehouse Street, HITCHIN, SG5 2EE
Registered Charity No 1135132